Archive for April, 2019

Anime Matsuri!

Posted: April 22, 2019 in Uncategorized

Captain’s log                             Stardate: 20192.2 (Apr 22, 2019)

An annual anime and Japanese culture known as Anime Matsuri was held for the first time at Bedok Mall from 10 – 16 Apr. Other that the booths selling Japanese stuffs, there will be the Anime Movie Screenings, Live Performances, Cosplay Workshop, Cosplay Meet & Greet, DJ Performance and Cosplay Competition.

Most excited one will be on the 14th, where the Cosplay Competition was held. After  thinking much about it, I decided to take part into it as Kamen Rider Drive. Even my wife encouraged me to give it a try. I might be selected into it.

And yes, I was selected! YAHH!!!

Despite the small cramped space, the turnout was quite large. Before the competition starts, there will be a DJ performance by DJ SOBA. Quite an impact he made there to keep the people extremely entertained.

The time soon come for us competitors to be on stage. I was the no.19 participant. I was indeed, anxious while waiting for my turn. And my mind is running wild as to which of my character’s pose I shall posed when on stage.

Well, here I go. DRIVE!!! TYPE SPEED!!!!



In less than a minute, I’m done.

I just realise that I was too fast and kinda lost with my poses. Crap… I guess I was just too excited until I forgot few of my poses! =D

Finally, the judges had made their decision and ready to announced the three winners.

And guess what. I did not win…




But that’s ok. I accept it. At least I’ve try, and also the fact that my wife encouraged me to give it a go. She has been very supportive and I’m still a winner in her eyes. Thank you dear! Love ya! =)

And not forgetting, to the people who cheer for me even when I did not win. At least I have fun and make some new friends.

Congrats to the winners! Kudos!

Here’s the photos of the rest of the competitors!






An awesome group photo to end the day! =)


Maybe I have better luck when I took part again in the future. Cheers! =)










To Batam!

Posted: April 11, 2019 in Uncategorized

Captain’s log                                       Stardate: 20194.1 (Apr 11, 2019)

Thoughout my whole life, I had never been to Batam. However, I got my chance. I had recently booked a two-day stay at this Aston Hotel in Batam via a travel agent. Yes, just a short getaway with my wife and also want to try it out the place since its my first time. In the future, will go for longer days.

I came to know that this Aston Batam Hotel & Residence are one of the newest hotels here. A four-star hotel that comes in a pleasant and stylish designed with 263 rooms divided into 6 room types: Superior, Deluxe, Premier, Family, Suite, 2 and 3 Bedroom apartments. I had choose the deluxe type as our first try out.


Cruising to our destination!


After nearly an hour of ferry ride from Singapore to Batam Centre, and waiting for the travel organization who will send us to our hotel, we finally made it there!





For such a room, its still quite spacious and cozy. With a view of the town below. Not bad at all. 




After our rest we headed down to the lobby as I was told that I can chartered their hotel taxi to take to our destination. We were assigned to a very friendly driver, Mr Basuki Rahmad who will be happy to send us wherever we want to go. We had plan to visit two shopping malls: DC Mall and Nagoya Hill Mall.

First stop, the DC Mall or Diamond City Mall. About 10 mins drive from our hotel. The way I see it, the place sells a wide range of cheap clothes, bags, shoes, snacks, electronic items, etc. There is also a retail shop that specialises in traditional Indonesian clothing known as Batik. My wife love to drop by at such shops.


Batik paradise here… 


After about an hour, we proceed to our next destination. The Nagoya Hill Mall which is about 7 – 9 mins drive. I was told its one of the most popular shopping malls many Singaporeans like to visit. I had friends going there and they told me the prices were so cheap than you can just shop and shop. Its a huge shopping mall and you can just went crazy if you love shopping.

There is also an A&W restaurant which me and my wife immediately hit it. Not only we were hungry, but its being so many donkey years since I last had one! Our country’s A&W, sadly closed down in 2003 after facing stiff competition with other fast-food restaurants, and only available in Malaysia and Indonesia if you still a fan of it.

But we were told its making a comeback and will be re-opened in Jewel Changi Airport soon. Please tell me they gonna make it happened! We missed their famous root beer (though this is actually still available in some provision shops and supermarkets), waffles, coney hotdogs and curly fries!

And speaking of missing it, here we are having our glorious old-school fast food like seeing a worthful of treasures. One bite and you feel like you are floating…. Its been so long!!! 




The feeling of having the food goes into you for the first time its like… trying it for the first time. That nostalgic taste. Do forgive me, as those who never try such food for so long…its just too delightful, scrumptious, tantalizing, mouthwatering, finger-licking good, whole-hearty… ok enough said! =D

After a good hearty meal, we went hunting for those good bargains and brought back a lot of good loots! Feel tempted to shop for more, but seeing how much we had spend had make us decided to end shopping and save for some later as we may need it.

Next we go for some spa and relaxation at this Spa Secret. Been recommended by our driver as one of the most popular ones around here. My wife especially, just couldn’t wait to try it!


The Spa Secret…


Nearly two hours of that scrubbing and rubbing and bathing in the jacuzzi, we left the place feeling really rejuvenated. That avocado fruit that they used to scrub our body really helps to keep us cool and refreshing. I feel like 10 years younger! Really ought to try this place again! =D



Nagoya Hill Hotel. The spa is just opposite.


Our driver came to pick us up and send us back to our hotel. Its worth the day spend and all we need after that was a goodnight sleep for tomorrow’s departure back to Singapore.

Though its just a two-day trip, we still enjoyed our time shopping, eating and some spa and relaxation. But I promise in the future we will be back again with longer periods of stay. Either this hotel or another cause there is so many good hotels and resort to choose from. Since its my first time here, I might as well came back for more! =D


Our last and only breakfast before checking out.


And lastly, the service in the hotel was friendly and really accommodating. Everything was well taken care of. And not forgetting our driver, Mr Basuki. A very nice person who had taken the extra mile to recommend us good places to visit in the future and to visit those spa that is quite popular. Best of all, he even allowed us to contact him; should we need him as our driver when we came back again in the future.

Nice! Now we know who to contact to take us to our destinations =)

Thank you! =)





End of Era!

Posted: April 3, 2019 in Uncategorized

Captain’s log                                          Stardate: 20194.3 (Apr 3, 2019)

When the movie was first announced, everybody was on the hype. And especially that it had came to our land; we, fans of the series were jumping for joy as we couldn’t wait for it to see.

Finally it came. After all these years, fans of Kamen Riders can finally get to see it the latest Japanese Toku film, Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Forever in Singapore on the big screen. The movie is basically a crossover between the television series Kamen Rider Zi-0 and Kamen Rider Build. It is also the third and final film of the Heisei Generation Series.



Its premier was launched on Mar 23rd, 2019 at Plaza Sing Golden Village (GV) Cinema, and its the only GV there showing the movie. Instantly, fans began booking their seats which was available for only two timings. And just for the one day itself, both timings were quickly fully booked. Like a tide of tsunami!

It also comes with free awesome goodies; the movie T-shirt, magnets, coasters and a Kamen Rider Wizard figurine. 

Unfortunately, I am unable to watch the movie as I am working on that day. Disappointed as it seems, but oh well. Its either I wait for the DVD or watch it online.

But luck came when I was told that the same GV had decided to open up two more days for the movie, which is 29th and 30th. There is only one timing for both days and it happened to fall on my off days!

I immediately booked for the 29th for me and my wife. I get to watch it after all! Thank you so much GV for giving those who have yet to watch a second chance! =) 

The movie begins with Kamen Rider Zi-0 and Build, were they have to join forces with all the Riders of the Heisei era against a so-called Super Time Jacker, who intends to erase the entire history of the Heisei Kamen Riders Forever.

I came to know how amazing the movie was, how trilling it is, and you guys were right! 

Its worth the money spend to watch and extremely awesome! Super intense fights and stunts, non-stop explosions that will keep you at the edge of your seat! The heisei riders are back to deal with that time jacker appropriately. No spoilers! But what I had mentioned above, you can feel that its an awesome movie worth watching!

I may not get the freebies but that’s ok. At least I am happy that I managed to watch it. That is most important. Even my wife, though she is not much of a fan, found the movie really awesome with all the fights and thrill stunts. Such movies like this is very very rare to be shown in Singapore. So when given the chance, better go for it.

To conclude, its 10/10! Another marvellous Toku movie which was as awesome as that 2012 Kamen Rider X Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen!